For Action C.6 “Achievement of a demo plan for an ecological agricultural lot with greenhouse”, we will use the soil portion belonging to the Natura 2000 Site (Action B.1), as a demo lot of compatible agriculture in compliance with nature conservation, on the basis of the project indication included in Action A.4. We will choose an area of one hectare, which is at the moment occupied by a traditional greenhouse, therefore polluted, in order to convert it into a surface to be used (both inside and out of the greenhouse) for the production and conservation of dune plants, for the creation of buffer zones (Actions C.4 and C.5), for demo cultivations which clearly show its environmental, energetic, economic and yield benefits.
The Actions promoting this project will aim to diffuse this model among farmers, in order to induce them to renovate other traditional greenhouses, located in private soils, into more ecologically sustainable ones.
In a sustainable demo greenhouse, various measures will contribute minimizing environmental impact through the reduction of following factors: