The project previews three kinds of actions: A, B, C, D, E, F.
Action A.2 Preliminary environmental, ecological, naturalistic studies and researches about dune habitats status in the target sites and recognition of a pilot area Action A.3Preliminary, ultimate and executive planning of habitats reinstatement and dunes fruition interventions. Action A.4 Demo plan of an ecological agricultural lot with greenhouse Action A.5 Competitive bids for intervention’s planning and execution
Action A.1 Establishment of a Project’s technical-scientific Coordination Structure and development of the Action Plan
Action B.2 Ground acquisition
Action B.1 Re-bordering of State properties
Action C.2 In situ and ex situ conservation of plant species typical of dune habitats Action C.3 Building of pedestrian accesses and paths in order to avoid degradation effects on dune habitats due to foot traffic
Action C.1 Recovering and reinstatement of deteriorated dune habitats (planting of Leopoldia gussonei)
Action C.4 Creating enclosures for the protection of dune and inland dune habitats and of the coastal “psammophilous flora” (vegetation living in sandy and salty soils)
Action C.5 Creation of buffer zones separating natural and agricultural areas
Action C.6 Achievement of a demo plan for an ecological agricultural lot with greenhouse
Action C.7 Eradication of extraneous invasive species
Action D.1 Monitoring of species of greatest conservation importance
Action D.2 Monitoring of the demo agricultural lot
Action D.3 Social and economical monitoring
Action E.2 Billboards Action E.3 Itinerant information counter Action E.4 Project interactive website Action E.5 Educational activities with schools Action E.6 Lessons and workshops about dune habitats Action E.7 Visit to the target zones Action E.8 Apprenticeship for farmers Action E.9 Creation of Leopoldia Mark Action E.10 Scientific publications and final Layman’s report in Italian, in English and in French
Action E.1 Project’s information and disclosure plan through mass media and creation of a project’s documentary archive
Action F.2 Networking with other Italian and European LIFE Projects about coastal habitats Action F.3 Delegations’ exchange with other dune sites Action F.4 Post-LIFE Conservation Plan Action F.5 Indipendent revision of the Final Contribution Report
Action F.1 Project Administrative Management